at entrance to Prince William Sounds, between Hinchinbrook I. and Montague I., 40 mi. SW of Cordova, Chugach Mts. 10 miles long.
Mariners name reported in 1901 by US@C&GS; so called for nearby Hinchinbrook Island Captain Abercrombie in Glenn and Abercombie, (1899, p. 297), USA, called it Meiklejohn Entrance April 8, 1898, in honor of Hon. (George DeRue) Meiklejohn, 1857-1929, Assistant Secretary of War in the Mckinley administration.
Seal Rocks, The Seven Sisters,
Bays:Port Etches, Constantine Harbor, Deer Cove, English Bay, Shelter Bay, Zaikof Bay,
Capes:Point Barber, Bear Cape, Bear Cape, Cape Hinchinbrook, Johnstone Point, Middle Point, Phipps Point, Punta de la Cruz, Shelter Point, Zaikof Point,
Channels:Islands:Porpoise Rocks, Bocharov Island, Schooner Rock,
Mountains:Montague Peak, Signal Mountain,
Parks:Hinchinbrook Lighthouse Reserve,